Doctors $50k Challenge
Attention all Doctors
win $50,000*
Sheshnaag Mandir $50k Challenge
Would you like to take up the challenge or donate to a worthy cause?
What does the MEDICAL SYMBOL, THE GARDEN OF EDEN and the GOAL OF YOGA have in common?
- They all represent the Goal of Human Incarnation!
- Which is to merge the Individual Soul with the Universal soul (The Great Being)
and I have a $50,000* wager
for anyone willing to take the time to study, verify and prove the theory wrong.
Sheshnaag Mandir
- A temple dedicated to the Human Bio-physiological frame work, the link between the human vehicle and the Universe and the Sanskrit Alphabet.
- Available for all Hindu, Yoga, Spiritual or Sanatana Dharma events
and during the full moon.
- The focus is on Atmajnana (Self Knowledge) whereby the Sanskrit Alphabet is utilized and chanted of the human beings universal spiritual nature is appreciated and celebrated.
I hope all doctors (especially Hindus) will step up and donate to the underlying integrity of the Symbol that represents the Medical profession.
When you have a bender or buy something ludicrous please spare a little
& Donate via on Paypal or to omdevaji
Om Namah Shivaya/Salutations to the Great being
Feel free to check
Youtube – ‘Sheshnaagyogacentre’
Facebook – Sheshnaag
Twitter – Sheshnaag
Or call omdevaji on 0414 49 50 51
*conditions apply. See omdevaji/Michael in Radiology for details
Michael omdevaji Perring – Author of the “What on Earth is Kundalini?” series